Time and Space

Time and Space

My hair is now the longest it has ever been. It’s become my new way of marking the passage of time. Time and space. It feels different, doesn’t it?  Sometimes, they even seem to mean something different. There are moments where I volley between feeling 

Together, Apart No. 2

Together, Apart No. 2

This past weekend’s sun-kissed spring weather teased out the hope of normalcy and familiar days to come. A year ago, this sort of day would find me lacing up my hiking boots, studying a trail map, and enjoying the company of friends. All the while, 

In Quiet Spaces

In Quiet Spaces

NYC. Springtime. This year, it’s different. I am home. In the heart of this pandemic, I am fortunate enough to stay indoors, sequestered in my quiet space. I am often seated at my desk, staring at a computer screen while surrounded by piles of precariously 

Together, Apart No. 1

Together, Apart No. 1

A chorus of birds welcomes me to the morning. The sun is smiling. There’s a delicate fragrance permeating through the window, and I follow the perfume to the white blossoms on trees that stand along the empty street below. Spring greets us, but we keep 

On My Way

On My Way

We can be our greatest champions. We can also be our greatest obstacles. Those feelings – seemingly insurmountable – of self-doubt, regret, and worry can lead to hesitation and retreat. They are echoed with “maybe next time” and “I can’t.” Perhaps those feelings were gradually